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"Doações do Corpo"


The artistic actions "Doações do Corpo" (Donations of the Body) are part of the programme "Donations of the Body - interface between the organ and tissue transplant system and the arts circuit". So far three donation actions have been carried out.

They are political actions that invite the public to reflect on the problematic of the body today. The works are constructed as a metaphor of the artist's body with the presentation of her own organs and tissues for donation. The works are donated to the public selected through an edict.

The selection of recipients for the organs/works follows some rules that seek, in a certain way, to mimic the procedures adopted by the art circuit in the selection of artists for exhibitions in institutional spaces, as well as by the health system in the organization of waiting lines and choice of recipients for organ and tissue transplant surgeries.

Those selected deliver a photo for the replacement of the donated organs/ organs. The photos are used in the construction of a self-portrait, which is presented as the reconfiguration of the artist's body - shattered and donated - thus forming another work, different in plastic language and symbolic charge.

"Doações do Corpo I"

The participants of the action sent a text justifying their desire and/or need to receive the organs/works. The texts were part of the analysis material of the master's degree dissertation. Orientation: Prof. Dr. Luís Henrique Sacchi dos Santos. PPGQVS/UFRGS.

Text by Bianca Knaak 



"Doações do Corpo II"

Donation made during the first EntreLínguas - International Arts Exhibition, Pelotas, RS, Brazil. The donation was made of the organ/work Lymph Nodules.

"Doações do Corpo III"

​Exhibition held at the "Sala Dobradiça", Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. Brazil (2010). The participants of the action sent a text justifying their desire and/or need to receive the organs/works. 

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